Wanda’s Journal

Family Ties

Everyone seems busy these days, and the Amish are no exception. Yet, despite their busyness, they still take the time to connect with family. Many Amish parents live close to their children and grandchildren, but some live quite a distance away. In my novel, “The Struggle,” Hannah’s mother had a difficult time accepting the fact that her daughter was moving to another state. I can relate to that a bit, because my own daughter lives in another state. However, when we’re unable to visit in person, we stay in touch through phone calls, emails and texting.

When I’m on the road during a book signing tour, I miss the family members who lives close to us, but it’s nice to know that when we return they’ll be there to welcome us home.

Does your family live close to you, or are they far away? What are some ways you deal with the separation, and how do you stay in touch?

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  1. I have a brother who lives in Kentucky & I’m in NY. The rest of my family (5 other siblings) live an hour or so away from me. We telephone, text & use FB to keep in contact. I can see though how it would be so difficult for an Amish family to stay in touch since they only have snail mail. My daughter in college 8 hours away & I skype sometimes to stay connected.

  2. Thankfully my oldest daughter lives in the same town as me with her husband and two sons. However, my son lives in Virginia with his wifeand my youngest daughter lives in Ky with her husband and daughter.. I live in Ohio. We did all get together a couple weeks ago. My children keep in touch regularly either by phone or text.

  3. My two boys and their families live near by….but busy and we do not see them a lot. I have
    5 siblings left….and 2 live about 1:45 min. away. The two closer to my age are much further away.
    We had a family reunion this Aug. and it was nice that all siblings were there, with 3 of them in
    their 80’s. I am the youngest of 13.

  4. My family lives close by. My in-laws live 5 hrs away and thats the hardest. We call and see each other. when we get to buisy we have to remember to see them. My son will read a book and write his grandma about it. then she will write back and ask questions too. Holidays I think are the hardest for us here. We do text and call my family, I grew up with family allways close by (next door) so its fun. now we live from 1 to 45 miles from most of my other family. But most of them all live with in 10 miles from us.

  5. well i dont have a family yet its just me and my husband but my cuz and her family is in NY and we use facebook and text. the rest of the family is in different towns but we use face book and text to stay in touch and we call too sometimes.

  6. I have to say that is one thing that I “envy” if I may use that word about the Amish. That connection to people-family or not. I see them in the summer gathered at houses in groups-women talking, men gathered around something usually talking and kids all out running around and playing. It seems they gather together a lot and not just on Sunday. It reminds me of how my family has lost it connections. We gather with our church family every Sunday for service but not often to just get together. My husband’s family and my family do not live near us. Our kids have had a few surrogate grandparents from our church but not quite the same as the way I grew up spending nights with grandparents, dropping in to visit, etc. It is just a different world. My family keeps in touch through Facebook, texting, phone calls, email, and now occasionally Facetime. My husband’s family doesn’t keep in touch much at all. Once a month phone calls. His mother is not technologically savvy. She doesn’t text. So phone calls it is!

  7. Most of my family lives here in SC with me. My oldest daughter is away in NJ in medical school, and then I have a sister that lives in NY, and Pa. We talk pretty much on a regular bases via phone or email. My daughter gets to come home for the holidays and during the summer for a couple of weeks. My husband’s family lives in NY, but they don’t communicate with us. It’s nice that my mother lives here with us so my other 3 kids have their grandma near by.

  8. Hi Wanda,
    Some of my family lives close, family is so importain to me.
    I will wright more some other time, i am in the hospital.
    Take care and God bless you.
    Norma Stanforth

  9. Besides my husband all of the rest of my family lives halfway across the country. We talk sometimes on the phone and I see them about once a year. A few of them have access to email or facebook, although most of them do not prefer to use it. So I try to send short letters or cards to those that do not have access to computers.

  10. My family lives far away so the phone is our friend. Though, as we grow in our walk with the Father, or don’t however the case may be, we are finding that our convicitons are not along the same route. It’s sad when things happen that are clearly not in the will of the Lord and I get the silent treatment because my sister and mom know I don’t agree with them due to my convictions. Sometimes I wonder how to trim the family ties. *small sigh* It’s a long path to where we are today. God be with you and your family as you keep the contact you enjoy. Sincerley, Mommy of two growing blessings & so much more!

  11. my mom and dad live in laporte indiana i live in ky my hubby family live 1 mile up the road we call and send cards to each other our kids live in indiana they come down here once a year our more they the summer in spring my sisiter live’s in chiogo but we talk and send cards and litters we might live in other states but we now what every ones doing we always been really close family blessing to you and your loving family

  12. I live very close to two of our daughters and family. One daughter and her family live 3 hours away. We miss seeing our children and grandbabies that live far away but we try and travel at least once or twice a month. I have always lived close to my family and siblings and would be so lost if I could not love and hug on my family often. I think we take for granted how easy it is for us to stay in touch with our families via car, phone, or internet.
    Thank you for the lovely books you write! When I pick up a book and start reading I can’t seem to put it down until the last page is read. So keep those books coming Wanda……….
    god bless!

  13. I have a grandson and his family that moved to Michigan it will be a year in Feb. My great grand children I took care of both children from birth almost , for four and a half years not to mention I also helped raise their daddy, so when they moved it was like I was lost I read a lot My wonderful husband bought me a Kindle for Christmas so that helped a little I have my church and my Lord . We don’t talk on the phone that much they say they don’t have good reseption there, so I just pray a lot and wish for more family get togethers. I have 2 great grand sons that lives here and 6 grats that live in Utah but, I don’t get to see them too often. So all I can say is I am blessed to have my family Some folks don’t have any So I concider myself blessed even though I don’t see all my family that much
    I love your books I have tried to keep up on all you write but, being retired it is not easy. Between my friends and I we share what we can. we are all on fixed incomes. I Thank God He Blessed you with a great writng skill. thank you and God bless.

  14. I love to go up north for our Quilt Camp and enjoy time with new frineds. We have no T.V.
    or Radio or Telepone. We have electricity because we are sewing. We even take rides especially to visit the Amish up there and shop at their stands and stores.
    This year I was able to even go “Zip Lining” Boy that will clear anyone head. And Pray a lot.

    I still don’t understand how I join in on a Forum to participate in the contest. Can you help me?

  15. My kids just live about 20 minutes from us. They call us alot. My sibling and I live on the home place. So it not hard to see in touch with them.

  16. Although it is not hard to stay in touch with my family- we live in different states. On my mothers side of the family, three siblings live in michigan and one in florida. There is 28 of us now, and we are so blessed that we all get along very well. God has blessed us with such great grandparents, which I truly believe that because of them, we are all so close. The grandchildren ages from 26 to 10, but we all get along. Every other year, for about twenty years our whole family gets together and have a week of fellowship meeting at one large house. We play games, theme nights, we really have a great time. I am so grateful how much God has blessed me with such great family such as mine! Even though sometimes it is hard or expensive to get together and make time for family time, we know what the most important things are in life- Family, which we put at towards at the front of our lives, but making sure that God is the center of our lives!

  17. I love your books!!!!! Your books relax me &
    Keeps me calm with a house full of kids thank for
    writing them!!