Wanda’s Journal

Lesson from the Birds

As I look out my office window I’m seeing signs of spring in many places throughout our yard. Trees and bushes are budding; early spring flowers are beginning to bloom; the grass is turning green; and the birds are flitting around, seeking food and building nests.

I was thinking about the birds the other day, and noticed that even on rainy or windy days they are still happily chirping and seem quite content. Sometimes it’s hard for us humans to feel contentment when things aren’t going so well. Sometimes we get caught up in worry and could take a lesson from the birds. Here is a poem I wrote some time ago that I’d like to share with you, entitled “The Birds of the Air.”

The birds of the air don’t worry and fret, they don’t complain when it rains and they’re wet. The birds of the air sing a sweet melody; their simple contentment is really the key. Our Father cares for the birds of the air; and He cares for us as we offer a prayer. He provides for the birds with insects and seeds; and He always provides for His children’s needs. There is much we can learn from birds of the air, who don’t worry about what they’re going to wear. If we learn not to worry, fret, and complain, we’ll have nothing to lose and much to gain. If we trust God completely, as the birds of the air, our life will be blessed with His tender care.

Are you feeling a sense of contentment today?

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  1. What a blessed lesson you bring today! With all of the hub-bub around us, it is hard for most people to be content. But then again, most people, sadly, aren’t born again and haven’t the Heavenly Father to trust in providing for their needs, although He does “rain on the just and the unjust.” For me, I would say, ‘yes’ that I am content in my Lord. He has been and IS very good to me and my husband, Pastor Alan Moravek. We rest in Him. We know we are in His will for us and serving Him as He would have us to. Yes, we are content this wonderful day!

  2. What a wonderful perspective. I love it. It should be applied in the lives of people everyday.

  3. Amazing, How can we worry so much when there’s God right there watching over us, amazing entry.

  4. enjoyed your journal entry…. and the poem….I like birds and thank God for those that come in my yard…I enjoy hearing them chirping in the early AM before I get up.

  5. Love the pome I love to watch birds and see Gods creations! Also love have the reminder that God will alway provide for us:) The birds dont worry and we shouldnt too:) love your post they are so incuraging thanks

  6. Thank you for this post, it was a much needed reminder that no matter how out of control my life seems God IS in control.

  7. Wanda, that is a very heart warming poem. I love it. I wish I could say I don’t worry but I do sometimes. I have been worried about my sister who is going down a rough path right now, her marriage has fallen apart and she has a prescription drug problem. I have not talk to her in three weeks, it’s has really sadden me, because our dad passed away in 2007, our mom passed away last year and she is she only one I have left. I love and miss her so much, my hearts aches at time. I have prayed to God to take some of this worry away, that has helped a lot as long as I keep busy and try not to think about her problems and how much i do miss her in my life. God is so good… but it has to so hard to live without our loving and wonderful god in our life. I will try from now on to let go of my worries and give them to God, he surely knows whats best for all of us and how to solve our lives personal issues. Thanks for your wonderful posts and journal entries… They lift us up when we are down and helps us realize their is a higher power within us that has full control of things in our lives….

  8. One thing I always try to remind myself of when I am feeling overwhelmed is that God has a plan. His plan is in place and He gives me the strength and what I need to fulfill that plan. This can give me sense of peace when I am feeling overwhelmed.