Wanda’s Journal

Whatever You Do

Have you ever cleaned house, washed the dishes, cooked a meal, or done any other chore and felt unappreciated? I think everyone has felt that way at some time—especially mothers.

During visits with some of our Amish friends I’ve noticed that their chores were done without complaint or question. I’m also aware of how the Amish use their time of working to visit with anyone who might be helping them. In fact, their work becomes a time of socializing, making it seem more enjoyable. However, even tasks done alone can be satisfying. Cleaning the house, doing dishes, and washing clothes can be looked upon with a sense of gratification, knowing you’ve done your best.

Whenever I’m doing a job I’d rather not do, and even if I feel unappreciated, I remind myself what God’s Word says in Colossians 3:23 (KJV): “And whatever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men.” Maybe the reason my Amish friends don’t complain about the work they are required to do is because they’re doing it as unto the Lord.

Here is my prayer for this week: Lord, as I go about my work, help me remember to do all my chores as if I’m doing them for You.

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  1. Thank you, Wanda! I surely needed to read these words this morning!
    Have a blessed day!
    Donna in IN

  2. Perfect timing for encouraging words! Yesterday I was thinking of putting my facebook status at this: “Being a Mom: I’m having a rough day, I need a break, I guess I’ll do laundry. I’m having a great day, I think I’ll reward myself, I guess I’ll do laundry. I’m so sick, need to rest, I guess I’ll do laundry. It’s finally the weekend, I can enjoy myself, I guess I’ll do laundry.” That’s definitely how it feels sometimes! In my head I know it’s all about my own attitude! So pleasant reminders like yours help!

  3. 1 Thessalonians 5:18 “In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.”

    This is a difficult thing to do in the flesh, but possible in the spirit for Believers. “The joy of the LORD is you strength,” we also read in Nehemiah 8:10

    Putting The Lord Jesus Christ first in your life is of the utmost importance and allows Him to work in you and through you for His honor and glory.

    There is a peace and contentedness found only in The Lord that the world knows nothing about. In the midst of trials, disappointments,

  4. Thank you Wanda for ur inspriation!!!!!!! U are a shining light in my life. God bless you in many ways!!! Love You dearly. Rachel & Family

  5. I agree. Sometimes it feels like I’m going on autopilot. Maybe, in the near future, we’ll get a “Rosie” from the Jetsons. She was a wonderful maid. Plus I wouldn’t have to worry about cooking meals – we could just choose from a list what we want!! Thank you Wanda and Judy for sharing these words.

  6. Yes I loved your topic Wanda……..having things to do at home……and getting encouragement and praise does makes the jobs soo much better…but usually they just take it for granted that it well be done……but life is so much better with smiles and laughter….can’t get enough of it

  7. I have to agree with you, Wanda. Sometimes I feel unappreciated by my family and friends, but I always try to remind myself that I don’t have to seek their approval. God knows my heart’s desires and appreciates the things I do for Him.

    Thank you for the wonderful words! God Bless!

  8. Thank you so much for this reminder Wanda! So many times I forget this! I am a Mom of 5 boys and sometimes with all the meals, dishes, laundry and more meals, dishes and laundry UNENDING!! oh and I can’t forget bathroom cleaning!! I often feel unappreciated. But to remember not only that I am doing these things for my Lord and Saviour, but that I am truely blessed to have 5 healthy boys I will try to do these things with a song in my heart and a smile on my face knowing that even if no one else takes notice, Jesus sees and loves me more that I can imagine! Thank you so much for your ministry in writing books, I absolutely love reading them and always look for them at my local library as well!!

  9. this needs to be a note posted on the frig!! a great reminder to rejoice amid the tasks of the day..

  10. My verse this morning was Galatians 6:7 “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap”
    If you sow in joy (yes, even chores) you will reap the joy of a happy household, happy children, and a joyous husband that sees the Glory of God in his wife, life and home.
    How both these verses have touched my life recently.
    Thank you always for sharing your heart, your stories and the wonderful Amish people.

  11. Thank you Wanda for your uplifting words today.. I truly needed them. Since my grandpa passed away May 2011 I am caring for my grandma who is 92 and suffers from Alzheimers. Every day is challenging in her care.as well as household chores…and today was particularly heart wrenching and draining. Seems when you are on your last thread,,when you least expect it but need it most..the words of wisdom from scriptures seems to find you. =] I thank you also for your amazing writing and all of your books. In those few quiet moments I can find for myself each day..I let myself get lost in your stories and transport myself right into the lives and homes of the characters in your books. thank you again Wanda..and God Bless <3

  12. Wanda,
    Such true words! I know that sometimes when doing things around the house it is hard to find the desire to do them as people just take for granted that they will be done. Like your Amish friends, it does make cleaning/cooking/tidying etc easier to do if there is help and someone to chat with to pass the time and ease the burden of the tedious tasks!

  13. amen i love to read your writing and way is it now that in the good old days that every one helped each other but now every one has some thing else that’s need done our they don’t have the time for each other i think thats way i love the amish ways it never to much for ladies to come over and help each other even when they have thing thats need done at home they drop ever thing go help a friend family thats for the prayer to god bless have a great day wanda

  14. Thank you for sharing this with us wanda. I learned from my grandmother that everything we do we thank God for. Without him we have nothing. I love listening to inspirational music while I clean and I worship the lord while cleaning.

  15. I just got done washing dishes and making up a clean bed.
    I felt I did my best and thanked the Lord for helping me.

  16. Thank you Wanda for sharing this. It seems we all need these reminders from time to time. 🙂
    It’s a beautiful Spring day here in the Foothills of NC. My window is open, a gentle breeze is blowing in and I’m delighting in the songs of the birds.
    But I must pull myself away from my computer and continue with the cleaning and
    organizing of my bedroom. 🙂
    May the Lord fill your day with His blessings.
    In Christ, Donna

  17. Wanda, the Amish do have a wonderful (wonderbar!) work ethic. As a church secretary for 28 years, that’s many times how I get through those rough spots, as I do what I do unto my Lord. Thanks for your words of wisdom! I’d love a book, my birthday is March 30th!! 😉

  18. ……. wow……
    i never thought about that…… I’ve always done my chore quickly so I could do something that pleases me not God…. I never thought about it like that. That I could do that to please the Lord and make something good of it…. thanks Wanda, now I understand the true value of doing my chores….
    P.S… I love your books you inspire me in so many ways! 🙂

  19. Thanks for your thoughts. I enjoy the books about the Amish, you make them come alive it is almost the we know your characters when we finish.

  20. Thank you for sharing that with us Wanda. We all need to be reminded that no matter how hard we try to please people it will never work. We need to keep our eyes and our hearts fixed on Jesus. He is the one who gives us all of the gratification a person really needs.

  21. So true! WE as women sometimes just like to feel like what we do matters…we know it does, but don’t always feel like we do. How I wish I had someone close by that we could share our Spring cleaning with, without judgement of “what is this mess all about? or WHY did you keep that, or Why are you NOT throwing that….etc….” just someone to HELP me sort, clean, rearange, remonice over things with….” and to joyfully clean! I know I can do that in the Lords presence alone….but sometimes a physical body sure helps. I think that is why the Amish are able to keep that cheer…they stop in for support, pitch in, keep it simple….

  22. Thank you for another wonderful post. I think being a mom is the greatest job you can have. Even though it seems like laundry is a never ending chore at my house, it still had to be done i look forward to reading your postings. Thanks again.

  23. Thank you so much! I sure needed to read that!
    That is how I feel a lot when I can clean and
    it seems like no time that it is the way it was
    before I cleaned.

    God Bless,

    Cheryl B

  24. Thank you Wanda stopped from washing my walls to read awhile. This gave me inspiration to move a little faster and get done. Love reading your books thank you.

  25. oh–I need to hear this again and again. thank you for sharing your heart with us Wanda. God’s best blessings to you. have loved your writing for several years. Linda

  26. I am a stay at home,homeschooling mother of four young children. I sometimes feel unappreciated. But then I have to ask myself,Am I doing this for their benefit or for my own fulfillment? My husband and children don’t mean to be unappreciative or to seem ungrateful. They have only come to expect these things from me because I have consistently given them. That is a compliment in itself because it shows how reliable they belive me to be. They have confidence in me. Even when I feel taken for granted,I am not. And the Lord sees my actions and my motives even when it appears my family does not. I show myself ungrateful and selfish when I expect some display of grattitude simply for doing the things that my family needs me to do. I love my family and when I feel unappreciated,I remind myself of what is important and I am able to perform my tasks more cheerfully.

    1. Thank you for sharing as a home schooling mother with 4 children also, I can totally relate to everything you just posted! God bless!

  27. Thanks for the inspiration today! That’s what I needed to get started on homework during my Spring Break!

  28. im always not appreciated. i never get a compliment on my dinners or on my appearance. it would be nice if sometime i would at least get a pat on the back for what i have done.

  29. Sometimes i think i would like to be Amish, but i don’t think i could handle all the work they do. They are really amazing people. I will just settle for reading about them which i love to do.

  30. hello wanda
    i’m am so inspired by the amish way of life. It is very true that they
    don’t complain they just do it. when i think oh i can do this tomorrow
    i remember my amish friend, mary yoder, 72, she still does so much
    get up and go it’s amazing. thank you for all your inspiring quotes, and
    please keep them coming.

  31. I feel unappreciated everyday in my household and my job. It gets really frustrating sometimes when people treat you that why. It’s a hard thing to work 40 hours and try and make meals keep the house clean when others don’t want to help. I know Amish woman have that as there whole job but I don’t know if I could feel any gratification if others in the family simply don’t help. I feel it takes all of us to run this household so all should pitch in.

  32. When my kids were young I felt like I did it all for not . I thought no one saw what I did or cared . 6 kids can undo every thing real quick .
    Now all our kids except 1 are grown and on their own . It seems I still have a lot to do just harder to do at my age .
    Your books are an inspiration that lift me up when I have a hard days work ahead of me .
    Sometimes when I didn’t feel so good & worried about my work Mom would say ( it will be there tomorrow ) Oh I miss my mom so much .

  33. I need to remember that as I have things that I really need to get done asap.
    If I remembered this, I wouldn’t procrastinate like I do.

  34. I LOVE my Amish friends! You are so right, Wanda, …they do NOT complain about their chores, and do seem to enjoy themselves immensely! We so need to take lessons from them! I have sold Tupperware for 20 years, and my best customers are Amish ladies!
    They always have such a terrific time at the parties, and when I’m visiting in their homes, I see so many “group projects”! How fun!
    We also have an Amish furniture store, so we have learned of their dedication to do their very best at their craftsmanship! Awesome people! 🙂
    LOVE your books, as they truly reflect the Amish life! THANKS!

  35. Sometimes as a mother I go weeks and weeks with doing the same things never feeling like anyone even notices. Then when a child says thank you or that I did a good job it makes those weeks worth it all. I remember growing up my Grandma use to tell me that whatever you are doing at any moment you are sewing seeds in someones heart who is around you.

  36. A few years ago, while we were remodeling our kitchen, our dishwasher was unavailable to us. So my daughter and I did the dishes together. Once the dishwasher was back and operational she went back to doing the dishes by herself.

    We’ve started doing them together again because I noticed we are using the time to chat and laugh and keep caught up with each others lives. It’s a great time to pass on wisdom from the Scriptures. She is going on 16, and I use all/any opportunities to keep the communication doors open.

  37. I do have days I feel underappreciated. Especially when I do something nice and no one appreciates it or says Thank you.. Love your books and always look forward to new ones.

  38. As an empty nester, most days I really am only doing it for the Lord! It sure is better than having no reason to do it at all! Thank you Wanda for sharing your thoughts with us.

  39. I guess a mother can do alot of thing like clean house,wash clother,cook,but sometime u would like someone to say wow you cooked,cleaned and wash clother all in one day great job,i love your books keek up the great writing i love to win Thank Wanda

  40. My daughter the other day said she wished we had a dishwasher and I looked at her and told her we have two. Her hands and my hands. I grew up from a young age helping with the dishes. I know there are times as mothers we feel unappreciated for the things that we do. I am blessed to have a wonderful man who points out all that I do without complaint to my daughter. I know that things need to get done and that complaining does not get the things done. Thank you for posting the food for thought.

  41. When you think no one is noticing what you doine, It is so very nice when some one does tell you what a good job you are doing. So when sone one tells you that you have done a good job, you will remember do your workk as if you do it for God. Thanks Wanda for remainding of this. I always forget this.

  42. Wanda, thank you for such wonderful encouragement.

    It is nice to have someone to say something positive to you when you have worked hard all day cleaning and cooking. But I liked what you said about how the Amish work together and use those times to visit making it more enjoyable. Now if we “Englishers” could learn to do the same we would be surprised how much we could accomplish and not worry about the praise for work done.

    I have noticed that when I do the daily chores or what ever it might be and don’t get a “you did great mom/hon” I kinda feel unappreciated. However if I change my thinking and do it -as you say- unto the Lord, that puts a whole new spine on things and I don’t look for that praise because I have done my best to the Lord-that is all that is needed.

    I love your books and share them with my 80 year old mother-she loves them too.
    Blessings, Tina

  43. Wanda,
    What a wonderful inspirational message today. I must admit that my husband always complimented me on the cooking, cleaning, and etc. I really miss hearing his praises. He always made me feel appreciated and I always tried to make sure I gave compliments to him when he did chores also. There were so many things that we did together and it definitely made the task go faster and even though we might be working, we were still spending quality time together. Please keep inspiring us.
    Love in Christ,
    Linda Walston

  44. When I worked outside of my home , I always gave at least 8 hours work for 8 hours pay. Then I went home and did 8 hours more work. I used to feel like I was on a Merry-go-round and couldn’t get off!!! Then the boys grew up and left home and I retired.Now it is a lot easier,but I miss my boys and all the things we did together.

  45. That is something good to remember. I also like to do tasks where I can point and say “Look What I Did!” I’ll just have to remember that Lord loves a clean bathroom! kristiedonelson(at)gmail(dot)com Thank you.

  46. Thank you Wanda!! Just what I needed today. I am at the moment not working and feel I should do more around the house. I have been caregiver to terminally ill for 20 plus years and have witnessed people lying in bed and talking about the things they used to do. I am so thankful that I am able to do what I can do.

  47. Thank you Wanda for these words….I needed to hear this right now.You are a inspiration to me and I love your books….Thanks Again…

  48. Thank you Wanda for reminding me what is important in life. I am a stay at home mom & some times it feels like all I am doing is taking care of the “have to’s” in life. It would be nice to hear a “thank you” or “the house looks nice” but the most important thing is that the family is happy & loved! Thank you for your encouraging words both in your journel & your books.

  49. Thank you Wanda for the books that I won in the contest. Your writing today is an inspiration to me to keep humble and do my chores . I love reading your work keep them coming, your books my teenager granddaughter can read and I dont have to worry about the language and it is decent stories…that means a lot today….thanks again …

  50. Thanks for your message today Wanda, I think I was meant to read it and filter on it, learn from it. I always love reading your journal posts. They brighten up my day or night. You are also an inspiration to me through your all your writings.. thanks again

  51. being a mama of 4 I often feel this, but through the monotony there are little moments in the day that make everything worth it! I have so much admiration for the Amish community and how they work together. On another note I am a new fan, I just finished the 1st book in the “sisters” series and can’t wait to get the others! God bless you and continue sharing <3 Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured

  52. Hi from Queensland, Australia.
    I have just signed up to your website and I love it.
    Thankyou Wanda. Your message today was so inspirational. Yesterday, I cleaned, washed and
    spruced up my house when I probably should have been working on my business.
    I wanted the house to be warm and welcoming for when my husband returned from
    work and my son from school. They plopped down on the couch, stared at the TV and
    said nothing. Finally my husband turned to me and said, “so what have you done today
    honey?”. WHAT! I lamented, “you havent noticed how nice the house looks” God bless
    him for he must have felt bad because at least five times since then he has commented on
    every little detail and how wonderful everything looks. I do it gladly because I love to look after my family but tiny bit of appreciation does feel nice. Kelly

  53. thank you for your message …. I am praying that I win…… off to send you a email
    you are so blessed with the right words
    ty so much

  54. That is amazing. Me and my family just moved and it is pretty hectic with all the boxes and furniture not in place and I am the only one who can fix things and put stuff together and somehow I feel my family just pushes things in front of me to do thinking I love to do this but really I would like a ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ from them and I guess if I remeber to think about doing things for God then everyhting will be alright.

  55. Thank you for this inspirational posting! It came to me at just the right time! It made me realize that while I may not feel the appreciation I would like from family and friends, He appreciates what I am doing and I need to just keep plugging along and honor Him! Thank you!

  56. I noticed in your books, that anytime an Amish character is doing anything, they all seem to enjoy themselves. I love that. I wish, and often pray, that I find enjoyment in the simple add CBS the not so simple, things in life! Keep writing…..I love your books!
    Chantel Hayes

  57. i am a stay hme mom i have 2 kids that have left home my son is in college and my daughter works so i dnddt get to see them as much but when cindy my daughter does come in for a day or two she does help me with the apt cleaning floors and dishes i really enjoy my time with her alot
    i do enjoy a quiet time reading your book and i do own several of your books and loved them my favorite was Lydia’s charm loved it i cried and cried it was such a good book was hard to lay down keep writing such good books and i do hope to win one of your books smiles your fan janie

  58. In Lancaster and at Winterthur’s American Design museums I have seen exhibits of the Amish quilt work and looking at the precision of the stitching (even when employing a foot-pumped sewing machine) and care of the fabric cutting, you can appreciate the commitment the women are putting into the endeavor. Eric Schatz

  59. I managed to raise 5 children by myself, go to college and work full time without complaining while grasping onto my personal believe that I was guided to make a better life for myself. Today I watch as much of the younger generation struggle to make ends meet, complaining along they are over burdened with work, financial struggles and stress. I wonder if it is the sign of the times or if we as a whole made it too easy for them. Perhaps if they put their faith in something greater then themselves they would find that any thing can be accomplished with a little faith.

  60. You have spoken straight to my heart! Thank you for bringing things into perspective! God Bless you and your written gifts!

  61. Thank you for the reminder that GOD is in charge. I really needed this reminder that I am here because HE wants me here in this place, at this time, doing HIS will not mine. I am looking forward to reading this book. I believe it will give back more than you know. GOD BLESS

  62. Oh thank you so much! this was so helpful, I also try to remember that verse I tell my children this also. what we do is for the Lord not ourself. I do love your emails thank you:)

  63. Thank you Wanda, for your inspiring word, and your art of writing. I found your books refreshing and interesting. Looking forward to reading more of your work, and learning about the Amish simpler and refreshing lifestyle. With you inputing scripture throughout your books, I am often reminded to center my life on God and not the stuff of the world. God Bless you!

  64. Wanda, I so needed these words today. I am a single parent of two very small children and really feel underappreciated. It gets to feeling the doldrums of same stuff, different day and at times very upsetting. Thank you for these wonderful words and I will keep them in mind when I have days like these.

  65. Hi Wanda

    Thank you for all your books. They are all so great!!!!! Love them so much!!!!

    Thank you!



  67. I just came upon your journal and its wonderful teaching lessons… thank you I am going to try to remember to do my chores as if I am doing them for the Lord each day .

  68. Your books are so inspiring and heartwarming. I look forward to each and everyone of them. They take me to a place and time where I can relax and unwind. Thank you so much and God bless you.

  69. So enjoy your newsletters. Even tho I do sometimes feel unapprreciated, I can remember a time when our boys were small, as I hung up clothes outside, I would use the time singing songs of praise, then, even tho trees were not close by, I would hear birds singing, like they were joining in.

  70. Enjoy reading your journal! I have tried not to say about everything I do at home. I am trying to take care of my mom, my 30 year old son, and myself. We are all disabled. My mom is not doing so well right now with kidney disease and just having a pacemaker put it and then having to have the lung reinflated, etc. it is an ongoing ordeal. My mom doesn’t think I do anything for her. However, I pay her bills, take her to all doctors appts, keep the scheduling straight, do the cooking, cleaning, laundry, which is a lot. She has an ileostomy issue too. My son has both emotional and medical issues. I take him to his appts, etc. .too. In all this, I know i am here to help others so I help with church functions too. I am also dealing with my own issues. In all this, I still try to give praise and honor to my Heavenly Father and my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Thank God for the Holy Spirit whom I know is with me and helping me all the time.