Wanda’s Journal

Remembering Our Roots

A few Sundays ago we sang some hymns in church that took me back to my spiritual roots and made me appreciate the people who had written those meaningful hymns. Hardly a sermon is preached during an Amish church service without some mention of the Plain People’s forefathers who offered their lives as martyrs many years ago. I believe remembering what their ancestors went through helps to strengthen their faith.

It’s important for us to remember our religious roots and look to the past when we need a reminder of how Christianity was born. It will make us pause and be thankful for the religious freedom we enjoy in a world so torn. It’s also good to look to the future with faith and anticipation of what God is going to do. Psalm 90:1-2 (NIV) reminds us: “Lord, you have been our dwelling place throughout all generations. Before the mountains were born or you brought forth the whole world, from everlasting to everlasting you are God.”

Is there a special hymn or verse of scripture calling you to remember your spiritual roots? It’s good to reflect on memories with deep meaning that will last. It’s even better to open your heart and let God renew your spirit as you follow Him for the rest of your days.

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  1. I love this post! I was raised Baptist and my childhood Pastor and I stay VERY connected-thanks to facebook! My FAV all time hymn in In The Garden..it was my Dad’s fav song, and I break down everytime I hear it, He went home to be w/the LOrd but those old time hymns almost make me see him still standing in the pew singing! We lost a great man, treasurer of our church, and father. I hear those old time hymns and they JUST give me goosebumps…Ive not been fortunate enough to hear a sermon about Amish roots though I read about them constantly! Thanks for sharing Wanda!!!!!!!

  2. I love your books and the ones that i am looking for is the series you have written of the brother’s in Kentucky. I love to read your bookes because I have some amish roots myself on my mother’s side and my father’s side.
    Leaila Hale
    2241 19th Rd
    Tippecanoe, IN 46570

  3. My song is The Old Rugged Cross because it reminds me of the suffering that Jesus did for us on the cross that day….Keep up the good books coming Wanda.

  4. I wasn’t raised with much of a spiritual up bringing but I have always believed in a higher power. If I had to choose just one bible verse it would have to be the 23rd Psalm. That Psalm pretty much says it all. Reading you books , although they are works of fiction, have also helped me to have a better understanding of God. For that I say Thank You.

  5. Thanks Wanda. I always enjoy what you have to say. Really makes me think and that is good. I have always enjoyed Amazing Grace and when I need some reminding or inspiration I find that is the song that I will sing. Thanks again and God Bless.

  6. While reading your post,Several songs came to my mind-mainly because of thoughts of my grandparents came to mind. They are the ones that took the time to teach us about God.They had us in services every time the doors were opened.They showed us about faith,caring,sharing,loving,and helping others.Not a lot of that happens now days.I also remember my Granny and I singing The Old Rugged Cross in church.Granny passed in 2007,but I never hear or think about that song that I don’t cry like a baby.

    Have a blessed day. Lorri

  7. Yes I have favorite hymns that remind me of my religious heritage. Love your books. Sometimes I have a hard time keeping straight which series I have read when I am at a book store or the library. Do have a list.

  8. Wanda, it has been a pleasure havin u in our home for meals. Ur frindship means alot. We love y dearly!:):)

  9. I, too, love the hymns of the church. I feel sometimes, they get overlooked with all the new “praise choruses”. I often sit at my piano and play hymns and sing. It warms my heart.

  10. I also like Amazing Grace and any other hymn which inspires me to feel the message!!

  11. Oh no…why above my comment–which was the 2nd one @ 11:09 does it say awaiting moderation??

  12. Being reminded of our spiritual roots from time to time is always good. In The Garden reminds me of my grandmother. She used to sing it while sewing, ironing, breaking beans, even while rocking a baby. When I got older I found out the meaning, now I know why it was important to her. HE is always there for me.

  13. When I think of things in my past concerning church, I was raised Baptist and was TAKEN to church, not merely dropped off. A hymn that we sing that takes me back to my church is “Living For Jesus.” Though it took a few years, I do now Live for Jesus and serve Him with my husband. I can still see in my mind’s eye the auditorium and hear the tune and remember.

  14. I was raised going to church and being involved but as I became an adult and went through my own trials and things I began to doubt. I have tried through the years of going back to church but find it hard to find one that I “fit” into. I have read Bible stories to my daughter and raised her to pray but still my own issues hold me back from fully attending and becoming a member of a church again. I do enjoy the hymns in church and just love the music and truly feel moved by it. Thank you so much for sharing.

  15. oh my yes, how I love the old hymns.. they lift me and fill me like nothing else ever does.
    Even as I read your post several came rushing back, Church in the Wildwood seems to be the one stuck in my mind now!

  16. My favorite old hymn is How Great Thou Art. Yes it is beneficial to go back to our roots and see where Christianity was and has come. We also need to DAILY renew our spirits! Great post Wanda!

  17. I grew up in a sister denomination to the denomination that your husband pastored. Today I
    go to an independent Baptist…that is traditional in worship…singing from the hymnbook.

  18. Living near alot of Amish,when reading your books I wonder if they practice some of the same traditions.I ask one young girl who has since moved with her family to maine and she said it was close to their beliefs also.I gave her one of your books and it is in maine with her.

  19. I wasn’t really raised anything. My childhood recollection is of the Baptist Church bus that picked me up on the Sunday’s of my childhood. They planted seeds in my heart of my youth that came to fruit as an adult. In my deepest darkest hour of my life I knew who to call out to because of their training of my heart to follow Jesus. I didn’t understand it as a child and I understood it even less in my moment of despair. Fortunately he sent his spirit and along with the bible I began to understand. Jesus is my truest most loyal friend. He is always with me even when I shut him out. Gratefully when I realize what I have done and come back to him he is always waiting patiently for me to return to his arms.

  20. “Victory in Jesus” we sang it yesterday at church. The old, old story that never gets old.
    Love your books.

  21. I love hymns, I think they are very importent with your walk, songs now aday just dont have the heart like hymns do, not to say they arnt good they are but hyms just speek to me more and my walk with God. MY favorit is The old Rugged Cross, In the Gareden pluss more. Thanks for the fun read today:)

  22. I remember going to the big Wayne / Medina Hymn sing’s as a teenager . The sound was so special of the blending of voices with no instruments . I love the Mennonite Hymnal we used . So many songs like ( Softly and Tenderly ) bring back sweet memories .
    Thanks for the reminder .

  23. I completely agree! I believe that the roots of Christianity are so important, especially nowadays. Thanks for sharing this!

  24. I was raised in a little country Baptist church. Have many old hymns that I love. Love Lifted Me is special as is Amazing Grace. Was raised singing all the wonderful praises to our Lord. Its always good to remember our roots. And pass it along to children and grandchildren. Those will always be very special memories.
    Love your books…God Bless

  25. My all time favorite has to be onward Christian soldier. Have loved this song since I first heard it when I was about 8. To me it reminds me that I have to fight for what I believe in.

  26. Hi Wanda,
    I’ve always loved hymns. I’d have to say two of my favorites are…. Amazing Grace,
    The Old Rugged Cross, Alone in the Garden…oops..that was three!! lol ..and MANY more!! 🙂
    Many of the contemporary praise and worship songs are beautiful, and I do love many of them, but there’s something very special, deep, and meaningful, full of Truth in Hymns that’s
    missing in contemporary worship today.
    In Christ, Donna

  27. Wanda, I love your Amish fiction books. I enjoy reading about their simple lifestyle. It is sorta what I grew up with. I like your story plots. Thank you for the reading.

  28. Growing up in a small country church — we sang alot of old hymns. When the Roll is Called up Yonder always comes to mind! It may not have been sung to the right tune but Praise the Lord — the message was there!! There is no doubt in my mind that my name WILL be on that roll!!

  29. Wow where would I start. Over the last two years I have read every book of Wanda’s that the library has. A few times I’m way to far down the waiting list that I’ve drove down to holmes county. To buy a book two or three of a series. Will worth the drive. Thanks Wanda for fill lots of empty nest hours.

  30. The Old Rugged Cross, I can still remember that as being my favorite hymn when I was a child. I have a lot of other favorites, but that one takes me back.


  31. I am not sure I can pick a favorite hymn there is so many that touch me deep in my heart and soul. Thanks for the reminder. God Bless you.


  32. I would have to say Amazing Grace, and The Old Ruggard Cross….theres so many though, it really tough just saying these 2…When We All Get To Heaven, is also a favorite!!! My Dad passed away in ’97…today would have been his birthday (3/5) he LOVED Gospel Music of all kinds, especially by the Gaithers!!! Thanks for bringing back some sweet memories Wanda, as I sit here typing, and singing:
    “When we all get to heaven,
    What a day of rejoicing that will be!
    When we all see Jesus,
    We’ll sing and shout the victory!”

  33. My favorite song is Heaven Came Down, because it reminds me of the day Jesus saved me. My favorite verse is Romans 5:8 as it told me Jesus isn’t a respector of persons and no matter how ungodly a person is Jesus loves them so much He died to give them Eternal Life. No one has to give anything prove anything or be anyway to Him because He loves you while you are yet a sinner and gave His life so you can have Salvation.

  34. I love this post. I was raised in a family where church wasn’t a big deal, but when I got older, I started attending and really loved it. Thanks for your postings, I love reading them. Please enter me into your contest. Thanks.

  35. One of my favorite hymns is Soft and Tenderly Jesus is calling. Of course, I can’t think of a hymn that I don’t like. Wanda, I love all your books and the inspiration that I receive from reading them.

  36. My all time favorite hymn is Count your blessings!It seems that I am always finding myself feeling sorry for myself and I don’t seem to be Thankful for what I do have!When ever I hear this song I am very Thankful for the reminder to be Thankful 🙂 When I was growing up my parents always told me to “Count My Blessings”

  37. Two of my favorites are “How Great Thou Art” and “Bringing In the Sheaves”. There are so many others that I love to sing. I love going to Hymn Sings where we sing a lot of the traditional hymns.

  38. My favorite song “Peace Be Still” is based on Mark 4:39 where Jesus and the disciples go out into a boat for some rest. A storm comes up and the wind and waves were strong. The Disciples were frightened thinling they would surely drown. Jesus calmed the storm saying “Peace Be Still”. Whenever I am stressed or uncertain I repeat the words of this song and am instantly calmed. I love to read about the Amish because to me they represent Peace in the way they live their lives. Yes the storms will come but if you believe in Jesus, He will give you peace.

    My father served in World War 2 and landed with his fellow soldiers on Normandy Beach. As he marched along he sang the song “One day at a Time, Sweet Jesus”. He made it through the war and at 91 years of age, he still sings the song every morning when he wakes up.

  39. I really enjoy hearing the old hymns being sung, it was mainly at the nursing home I worked at before I lost my job there. I do enjoy going to church but have not been in awhile, maybe I will go this Sunday with a friend. I love reading your stories and books. I feel close to god when I read them. I also enjoyed reading Cheryl, Darlene, and Goldie, their posts, the songs, and scripture they captured in their writing. It also does reminds me of my mom, who passed last year, Oh how I miss her so, she loved hearing The Old Ruggard Cross and in the sweet by by, maybe that is the same song. The old hymns always hold a place in my heart, they are so simple with a lot meaning.

  40. “Majesty” has been and still is one of my favorite hymns. To me, it says it all! Love all of your books, Wanda. I’d love to have the opportunity to win a few more!

  41. Amazing Grace, How sweet the sound. That saved a wretch like me. This is the song that brings my mind back to my roots, my salvation. How thankful I am that Jesus died for me! We sing acappella in the church of Christ and all the hymns are so much more beautiful and meaningful sung from the heart. “Singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord”
    Love your writings, Wanda!!

  42. When I was a little girl my Granny taught me to sing “Heavenly Sunlight”. This old hymn still touches my heart and brings to mind sweet memories of my Granny teaching me about the God she loved so much. The same God I now love and serve. Thank you for all you do to inspire and encourage us.


  44. My favorite song is I saw god today by george strait and my favorite verse is John 11:25-26
    “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; 26 and whoever lives by believing in me will never die.

  45. My favorite song is I saw god today by george strait and my favorite verse is John 11:25-26
    “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; 26 and whoever lives by believing in me will never die.

  46. My favorite book in teh bible is Songs of Songs, I can’t get enough of it. But my favorite verse of all times is Psalm 16:24 – “Pleasant words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.”
    And it is the truth, everyone loves to be told somethinhg that wont hurt them and growing up the way I did, I wouldn’t say it was bad but I can say that it wasn’t pleasant, and just by reading God’s word every single day, I find more things that make my heart flutter. It really is amazing what God can do through his word.

  47. I was raised in the country…and went to a old country church…and yes I have always loved religious music…it has a way of soothing the soul….and talking to God on a daily basics is very important…and I too love to read…especially Amish ones such as you write Wanda

  48. My favorite hymn of all times is “Great is thy Faithfulness.” It reminds me of my family who have passed away and the gift they gave me of believing in Him. It also makes me appreciate every day of my life and what God does for me. I love your postings, Wanda. Blessings, Judy Gobble

  49. My Favorite song is as long as I got jesus and my Favorite verse is “But He knoweth the way that I take: when He hath tried me, I shall come forth as gold” (Job 23:10).

  50. My Favorite Verse of the bible A merry heart doeth good like a medicine;
    but a broken spirit drieth the bones.
    (proverbs)17:22 and my Favorite song is ( Baptism )by Kenny Chesney & Randy Travis

  51. In regard to my Christian roots, the hymn, In the Garden, is so special because it was a favorite of my dad’s and I can still here him singing it. As many other posters, I love your books and I’m especially looking forward to The Struggle in the Kentucky Brothers series. Thank you for such wonderful books and expressions of faith in them.

  52. i love reading every thing you write and i myshife love to read and go to the chruch my mom and dad go’s to when i go home i live 8 hours away from them and my frist bible i got was a easter gift my daddy bought me i was 16 teen i have the bible to this day it sits on my coffie table it’s the frist thing i read every morning god bless you wanda blessing to u and your family

  53. “In The Garden” is a special song for me and Psalm 100 as we actually had to memorize scripture then in 2nd grade in Appomattox VA. Each day, we prayed the Lord’s prayer, said the pledge to American flag and recited scriptures.

  54. “In the Garden” is one that comes to mind for me. My grandpa recently passed away and I think of him singing this song in his beautiful, low voice at church. My grandparents and my mom have always been wonderful spiritual leaders for me.

  55. The two hymns that come to mind for me are Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus and Great is Your Faithfulness. They are good reminders of His faithfulness and how we need to keep our focus on Him.

  56. There is a verse I learned a long time ago in elementary school that has always stuck with me and has remained the verse that I live by every day…Proverbs 3:5&6 In all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy paths….this verse has gotten me through times when I didn’t know which way up or which way to turn…

  57. Wanda, I so enjoy coming here and getting that ‘good feeling’ and I know we all can take something away with us after we have been here.
    Thanks so much…I so love your books!

  58. When I want to praise our Lord I sing those beautiful old hymns that I grew up with, and when I am sad or fearful I turn to those same beautiful hymns knowing they will bring me the peace and comfort my Lord knows I need.

  59. I love reading all of your books. Such inspiring stories. My youngest son also enjoys reading them as well.Keep up the good work!! God Bless

  60. i love to listen to gospel i am deaf but can hear with my hearing aids on so when i do listen to music i would go to youtube and listen to the song with lyrics or to a sign language video of a person signing in song one of my favorites are i wont let go its sung by Rascal Flatts but it reminds me of god and also i want to stroll over to heaven with you some glad day i love this song and also amazing grace and its just so relaxing makes me feel closer to the lord

  61. Amazing Grace is my favorite, I can listen to it over and over. Thanks for writing these beautiful Books, I love them all.


  62. The Lord is my Shepherd…..whenever I’m reminded of this Hymn, I reflect on all those that have gone before me, and I remember them with deep affection and thankfulness for having known them.

    I just finished reading my first Wanda Brunstetter book (The Journey), which I thoroughly enjoyed. I do not know of many (if any) Amish communities in Australia, but through your books, I am able to learn more of their community and their Christian beliefs.