Wanda’s Journal


Have you ever tried to do so many things at once that you got confused about what you were doing? The Amish have a word for confusion or becoming mixed-up. It’s called: “Verhuddelt.”

In the hustle and bustle of our everyday lives we can get confused if we try to do too much or tackle too many things at one time. I have always been a multi-tasker, but there are times when I mess things up because I’m trying to do too much at one time.

If I don’t put my trust fully in God, pray, and read His Word every day, I can become verhuddelt about spiritual things, too. Yet, whenever I’m confused or make mistakes, I have the assurance that God is always there, and I’m thankful that I can call on Him anytime, day or night, even for the simplest things. If I trust my own judgment, rather than seeking His, I’m likely to become verhuddelt and make poor choices.

God has the answers to all my confusion. In I Corinthians 14:33, I’m reminded that, “God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.”

Are you feeling verhuddelt about anything today? If so, then allow yourself to relax, say a prayer, and let God take control. That’s just what I plan to do.

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  1. I am a list maker – I make lists of everything I need to do when I am feeling “verhuddelt” – Just writing it down helps me sort through my tasks, plus there is a feeling of accomplishment as I cross things off the list. In the most stressful times I just remind myself to turn everything over to God and LET GO and peace has a way of finding me again 🙂

    1. during the times I feel “verhuddelt” I go to my father and he tells me to rest in him. When I do, it is like cuddeling an a down comforter!

  2. I agree wholeheartedly…is I don’t spend time with my Lord first thing to talk about my day and His expectations for me AND last thing at night thanking him for my blessings….my day is usually not a good one. A total VERHUDDELT day! Bless you for your writings.

  3. I absolutely LOVE your books!!! I am close to Holmes County and love that I can visualize some of the areas in your books!

  4. I think we all need to take the time to relax and just enjoy the world around us, rather than trying to control every little aspect. I found this especialy helps when with young children. Because even in all the confusion, you blink, and they are grown up!

  5. I just love reading about the Amish way of life. I live in a very small town in Alabama and don’t have a lot of contact with other cultures. I am humbled by your posts and the fact that God uses your comments to draw me closer to Him. I don’t get to read your books like I wish because I don’t buy books much. I review for a website and do almost all their inspirational reviews. Just wish you submitted your books to them. May God bless you and yours as you serve Him. You are truly an inspiration to me (and I’m sure, to others).

  6. I read your books all the time and when I don’t have any thing to read I read your books over again and sometimes its better the secord time around,may god bless u and your family,Wanda

  7. hmmm… I have never heard that word before… but now I did! 🙂 That is true that we need to pray when confused! I will put a stiky note on my mind to memorize 1 Corinthians 14:33!!!

  8. As I get older I find it harder to keep track of too many things at one time. The one thing I never loose track is my faith in God. I have found that I accomplish more if I do not fill the platter too full. Thank you for the reminding me to take a deep breath.

  9. Thanks for some more great words of wisdom to think on. There are many times when I seem to be trying to do too many things at one time and can’t remember what I was doing or I leave something half done because I have moved on to something else without finishing the first task. I guess I must be in a state of “verhuddelt” often.

  10. It seems that Verhuddelt is a way of life for me. So on occasion when it gets to be too much I sit back and relax reading an Amish book by my favorite authors. Thank you for the opportunity to win one of those such books!

  11. I enjoy reading your books, but have loved reading The Simple Life, and use it as a devotional.
    Thank you for the opportunity to win some of your wonderful books!

  12. I love your wonderful books that you write….look forward to reading your new one too……reading is my get-away to relieve my stress and it works miracles……thank you Wanda for writing such wonderful books…keep em coming I know you have lots of devoted fans.

  13. I live in the Heart of Amish country here in Lancaster County, PA. I have been turned on to your books from my Nanny. I just get lost when I read your books.. Thanks for the many hours of enjoyable reading.

  14. Today I was feeling “verhuddelt”, so I decided to drop everything and read one of your books and take a little nap. I love your books!

  15. Ahh…thank you for the reminder, Wanda! Seems with work and children my days run together. I need that time with God in prayer to help with easing schedules!! Have a wonderful week!

  16. I stay confused most of the time. I have tried to making lists but can’t seem to follow them. I can’t seem to keep up anymore like I used to but I’m sure most of it is from my Fibromyalgia and I just haven’t figured out how to get it all under control. Anyway, I love your books and reading about the Amish and I would love to win your books. Thanks for the opportunity 😉

  17. My stepmother has dementia. She was raised Amish, was not allowed to speak English until she was about 14. Your books are interesting because it gives me insight to how she was raised. She is now 96 and in a nursing home. Thanks for the insight.

  18. I love reading your books. If I have more time with all that is going on in my life right now, it is hard to find some time to read. I would love to win your books. Thank you for your wonderful ministry through your books. 🙂

  19. I too get confused when trying to do too many things at once, so I just tell myself to stop, take a deep breath, pray, then proceed. I really enjoy reading about the Amish as it seems that even the children practice their faith more publicly than the rest of us. At least that is how it appears to me.

  20. I guess I am “older” because some things if I don’t write down I forget to do. Same with my husband, he will make a list what to do , what to buy so we don’t forget anything. Would love to win some of your books at least them I won’t loose.

  21. I am a very busy person and sometimes can’t keep track of things and need to write them down. I also work weird hours, third shift, i sometimes think that has contributed to my daily confusion. I also enjoy reading your posts. Also you have enthralled me into reading amish books and getting all the info i can on that culture. To be honest it is also fun my kids have German in high school and I get them to pronounce the words to me so they sound more authentic!! LOL I know sound crazy but it’s fun. Keep up all the good work you do and all the wisdom you pass along..

  22. I like to think multi-tasking is a great attribute, but I can see where it could cause confusion for some. Finish one project before beginning another is the way to go.

  23. That is such a great thought, Wanda! I’m only 18 and I know that when I try to take control of my own life, and do things without going to God for guidance, my life becomes stressful and overwhelming, and I just make a nice big mess without Him. Thanks for being a great role model for all women, young and old alike! God has used your talent for writing to touch so many people! I love your all of books, my favorite is Lydia’s Charm! Can’t wait to read your next journal entry! 🙂

  24. I have to put God first in all I do. I usually make a mess when I go about things on my own. I even say a quick prayer for the Lord to help me in the grocery, don’t need to over spend and He knows it, and never know a situation like talking to someone over the lettuce about the Lord. Love the books and keep them coming as the Lord leads.

    God Bless

    1. Through the years I have learned that I must do things according to God’s will and not mine own. Now I speak to and ask him before I make any decisions on my own. I also ask for wisdom in my daily life. My life seems much more stable when I do this.

  25. I started reading your books about 6 years ago when I bought The Shunning at a yard sale and I have been hooked ever since. Keep up the good work’

  26. As a pastor’s wife, I am always running around and trying to get things accomplished at such a fast & furious pace. One of the most comforting thoughts to me is the fact that I do NOT have to be in control. I can find rest in Christ. I get weary. I get overwhelmed. The faith and trust I have is not in man, but in my powerful God. He takes me in His arms when at my most “verhuddelt” moments and calms me. Such comfort!

  27. Verhuddelt…the word kind of makes me think of the English word “muddled”. I’m not even sure if it’s a real, Oxford Dictionary word, but it’s a word we use here in Eastern Canada, to mean basically the same thing, everything gets muddled and confusing.

  28. I am a list maker. I make list for everything. The problem is this does not always work. Many times I feel I am taking on too much. I am a stay at home mom, I home school my sister, and I am in college also. Taking care of my mother and everything else seems very challenging, however, at the end of the day I am satsified I am thankful that God has gave me the patience, and love to do everything that I do.

  29. I have felt “verhuddelt” before but as a young child I was taught to pray when I felt mixed up about anything ,no matter want it is god is there for you…

  30. Thank you, I needed that today. I really enjoy your books, they have helped me in many ways. I have read almost all I can buy or get from the library. God bless you and your family.

  31. I make lists too but too often forget the list or lose it somewhere! I am so grateful to know that God does not get confused and helps me stay on track. I’d never accomplish anything without Him giving me the pushes I need!

  32. There are many times I become verhuddelt! That’s when I take a deep breath and keep chugging along! I love your books!

  33. Thanks so much. Love to read your journals and blogs. I have read all of your books, but would love to have signed copies.
    May God continue to bless you and use your books to glorify Him.

  34. Oh that I had the natural organization gene that you seem to have. It seems every time I try to organize things and get them running smoothly, I end up with a bigger mess than when I started! I love order, but I am terrible at doing it myself. Lucky for me, my husband is naturally an organizer- so it all works out! I can keep a system going- I just have trouble starting it up myself.

    I always find your novels so inspirational. 🙂

  35. Wanda
    You just answered the say I’ve felt at work where I’m continuously given more to do and very overloaded. Verhuddelt is exactly how I feel. Thank you for sharing your journal entries.
    God bless and stay warm.

  36. Throughout the years, as Ive read your books, Ive often felt more peace than I had gotten at a Sunday service. It is so obvious that you love the Lord, and you have such a huge ministry in your writings. Confusion and distraction seem to come with life today. I am so glad to find an oasis in your books. Thank you.

  37. Thanks Wanda for those words. I needed them today to stop and slow down.

    Verhuddelt is exactly how I feel a lot of the time. I’m going to slow down and just let God show me the way.

    I love all your books and so does my granddaughter. Keep writing so we can continue to enjoy.

    God Bless you Wanda.
    Love Nancy

  38. I have read many of your books and have seen the word many times in them, it still makes me giggle. I love their language and their lifestyle.

  39. Thank you some much Wanda. I very much appreciate this post. I very much feel overwhelmed at times, especially when I don’t put God first. Thanks again for reminding me on the first day of the week to always but God first.

  40. Lately I’ve been feeling verhuddelt as I deal with my dad’s Alzheimer’s and the meds he’s on. In preparing for a meeting this week about his meds, I’ve been reading lots on the internet and get more confused. Then as I ask other to join me in prayer, I am sensing God’s clarity and will trust he will be in our midst as we take care of dad’s needs. I LOVE reading your books — an opportunity to escape everyday life.

  41. I can become verfuddelt when I try to cook too many things for the same dinner. I have to organize the menu and make a list of what to do and in which order, so that the food will all be ready at the same time.

  42. When I get confused during a task, I simply walk away, sometimes it’s an hour, sometimes a whole day, but when I get back to it I always have a clear answer. Everything’s so much easier when you know the answer! lol.

  43. I love all your books and always look forward to new ones. I make sure that we have all your books for other to check out.

  44. Please enter me in your contest. Ms Wanda you are my all time favorite writer… I love reading your books.

  45. There are way too many times in my life that I feel “verhuddelt” I need to slow down and stop trying to multi-task so much.

    I love your book, each and every one. The one about the Amish has gotten me to visit Holmes county twice now and I can not wait to go back.

    Tammy Graham

  46. Please enter me into your contest.
    I would like to speak Penn. Dutch/ German, Our Amish friends in Mich. speak it often but try to speak english with us, They are trying to teach us , going slow thou.

  47. Thanks so much for sharing your talents with us! I love reading about the Amish, because sometimes in our “English” world we forget to stop and smell the roses along the way, we’re so busy in our everyday lives and sometimes forget that everyday is a blessing from God.

  48. I’m a list maker too, if I don’t I’m sure to forget something for get Verhuddelt! I would love to win your books, please enter me! You are an awesome writer with a God given talent! Keep us all reading!!

  49. love your book ‘s just got done reading the white christmas pie and now reading lydia’s charm can’t put it down love this one to getting randy to read the ky borthers soon god bless have a gut day

  50. I think you’re right, Wanda. Taking the time, first thing in the morning, if possible, to hand your day, your cares, your worries, your struggles, over to God really does make a difference. And it doesn’t have to be anything elaborate. It can be as simple as saying, “I can’t do this alone, and You’ve got plans for me, so I’ll just leave everything in Your capable hands, thank You. Amen.”

    Thanks for the reminder. I did this after reading your journal entry this morning, and it really did make a difference in how the rest of my day (or my reaction to it) went. 🙂

  51. I have problems with those hectic days where I find myself coming and going. I suffer from ADD, and I have difficulty concentrating on one task at a time, let alone several. I’m so grateful that God is good and keeps me on the straight and narrow. God bless you Wanda! I love your books, and have followed you for years! I hope that you continue to write wonderful Amish fiction for many more years!

  52. I liked your comments about being organized. When things get cluttered, my mind gets cluttered.
    That leaves no time for prayer and meditation. I am working hard to get rid of things that I don’t
    need and spend more time reading and serving my brothers and sisters.
    Your new book sounds intriguing.. I work for an estate sale business and cleaning out attic’s is an
    exciting job for me. I allows my mind to think of the past and the people that used each item.

  53. It’s is always amazing to me that when u are feeling a certain way, and I need answers, I get them from the last place I would think of…I was feeling very confused, I am trying to move back to my Home. I grew up in Phoenix, and I want so much to go back…and here I find u writing about being confused:) Thanks for the reminder!!! I just need to pray:) So thanks very much:) And I love your books:) I have a goal, I want to have your entire book collection signed by you:) So I plan on entering all your contests:) Thanks again!!!! Jacquie Hayes

  54. I have been very confused lately about the medical issues I have been experiencing. I had to say a prayer in hopes that my mom would attend some of the appointments to express her concerns. She has been to most of my appointments and experienced the issues I have with the drs and is procedding to help me continue along the broken path. God will mend the path when he feels I am getting the correct information and the answer will be in front of my face.

  55. I’m usually confused about a lot of things in my life but one thing is for sure I love reading your books, this is my escape from all my stress. I always wonder what it would be like to be Amish and I admire them for all their hard work and dedication to religion.

  56. i have been very confused lately and recently had a mental breakdown but i ford god again and hes been helping me get through everything! i love all your books we recently went to lancaster and it was very beautiful

  57. I really needed to read this today. It was one year ago today that I miscarried my second baby. It’s been difficult to focus on anything today, reliving the events of a year ago today. I’ve been praying and trying to remember God’s promises. Thank you for this post!

  58. That is a perfectly good word for a lot of us nowdays when we are trying to do too many things at once. Thanks for reminding us what we should be doing.

  59. JMJ

    Dear Wanda,
    It is very easy to become verhuddelt, as our Amish friends say, this day in age. I think that as I’ve grown older, I become more easily overburdened, too. I have found that making time for prayer regularly as a part of our daily routine is the ONLY way to become and remain centered.

    Thank you for the reminder to stop and pray.

    In Christ,

  60. I have to agree with you. I try to do too many things and nothing gets done. At that time I walk away and sit by myself and seek God’s guidance. When I complete the tasks then I rewasrd myself with a new Amish book ands sit in my favoritre spot and read and relax ane become one of them. Please enter me in the contest.
    1292 McDonald Road
    Bellevue, Texas
    Connie Elrod)

  61. Hi, Wanda. I had the pleasure of meeting you in Middlefield, OH a couple of years ago. I do hope you come our way again this year. I do a lot of charity work in my spare time and because I do it for more than one charity, I had to resort to a datebook so that I could keep track of who I called when, and for which charity. Enjoy your week! (And happy 11 months and 2 days until Christmas!)
    – Lois

  62. Hi Wanda,

    I loved your message today. I am feeling verhuddelt! I am working on a homework writing assignment, need to do my Bible study lesson and have a quilt project staring me in the face. I made a list tonight of projects I need to complete. I think my first priority should be to pray for God’s guidance in how I spend my time each day. Thank you for reminding me of this.

    Judy Gobble

  63. Wanda, I agree that it is so important to get into God’s Word everyday & pray, talk to God always, no matter where you are or what your doing. I fail God alot with taking care of my body. I am over 100 lbs overweight & I need Him everyday. If I wouldn’t have God to talk to, I don’t know what I would do. I need Him always in all that I do. 🙂

  64. Wanda,
    First, I want to say thanks for including me in your last contest where I won some autographed books. I have been feeling verhuddelt for a few weeks now since I was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer. I am striving to keep my focus on the Lord and on glorifying Him no matter what the circumstances, but sometimes the waves of doubt get higher and higher and I get knocked over. I just celebrated my 49th birthday and I have 3 children still at home. There is a fear I have never known before, not that I will not go to heaven, but with who will rear my children. Already I am growing too sick to. Please keep me in your prayers and thanks again for the brief respites with your books.

    1. Yes, I will definitely keep you in my prayers. Keep trusting the Lord, and may He give you a sense of peace as you go through this difficult time.

    2. My brother in law has been battling stage 4 colo-rectal cancer for almost 5 years now. There were times when he was very, very ill, but he always pulled through. Stay strong — there is hope. My brother in law is proof of that. He is now back at work, and while not 100%, he is not too far from that. 🙂 Best wishes and prayers to you!

  65. I loved your journal entry. I live near an Amish community, and I just live their simple ways. I met you when you were in Lancaster, PA a couple years ago. We took a picture together and you signed my book. I will have to dig that picture out. Love reading your books, you are my favorite author.

  66. Wanda the message that you put up today (1-24-12) touched me today. I have been feeling confused and out of sorts because I had just lost my sister on the 18th of January. I didn’t put God before each day before I started the day and at night I just wanted to sleep so I was neglecting my Lord and Heavenly Father. Because of that I started to pile everything on my own plate and not let god help me which made me do things in a hurry and not with his timing. I know now to stop listen and let him help me. thanks for reminding me that threw him everything including death he can help me with.

  67. It seems like I am always in a hurry and always have something to do. At work when I get in a hurry I mess things up so I have to slow myself down and relax and take my time . I need to slow down and let God lead and direct me in all I do.

    Tammy Hudson

  68. With the fast pace of everyday life it is easy to become Verhuddelt. Is is so hard to “let go and let God”, but that is what me must do!
    Thanks for the opportunity to win a book!

  69. You definately described me to a tee. I have a big tendency to try to do to many things at one time and become confussed or frustrated that things aren’t going as I want them. I do attend church on a regular basis. I don’t do as I should though and read God’s word everyday. I really need to change that. Things in my life would go a whole lot smother I know if I did.
    Thank you for the chance to win one of your wonderful books.

    God Bless,

  70. I get lost reading your books. As the mother of 3 birth children and 2 foster children, my days can be hectic and busy and reading your books gives me a chance to relax and “slip away” for a few moments. Thank you so much for giving us such great Christian books to read. I hope to be able to make one of your book signings when you come back to OH, I only live about 30 minutes from Amish country.

  71. In all the things We have going on, we are slowing our lives down to live the simple life.. I homeschool my choldren and we are very active in our church.. This post is just another lesson from God reassuring us we are doing the right thing. by not getting to busy and hectic.. thank you for posting on this.. God bless you..