Wanda’s Journal


I’ve never been one to actually make a New Year’s resolution, but there’s something about beginning a new year that compels me to make some changes. Usually these changes come in the form of organization. I don’t like clutter, and when my office, or any room in our house, becomes cluttered, I find it difficult to find things, which becomes frustrating. It’s easier for me to be organized than to spend time looking for things I’ve either misplaced, or that may have become buried under a pile of papers.

One thing I often think about when the new year rolls around is my spiritual life. Do my actions, and not just my words, reflect Jesus Christ? Will others see Him living in me?

Have you made any New Year’s resolutions? If so, how will they change your life in the coming year?

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  1. Resolutions…hmmmmm….I pray that I may do what HE wants me to do daily. That I have ears to hear and eyes to see…. and my cluttered house could use an overhaul!!!!! vrush729@aol.com
    Virginia Rush

  2. I think it is really hard to let go sometimes. Sometimes we hold on to objects knowing they belonged to someone. I have moved into a bigger home which allows more space for ‘stuff’. I am really hoping to get rid of stuff I have and not add to my junk collection. As a teacher I tend to hold on to everything… just in case! I hope to go through my boxes soon and throw out what I don’t need.

  3. I am not a resolution setter as well. I decided this year I would set goals. (To some it may sound like the same thing) However I have set priorities in my life with goals in each of those. Broke each of those down to bite size pieces and hope that I can accomplish them all.

  4. My New Years resolutions are to spend more time with family and friends, get healthier, and be more spiritual.

  5. I’m like Jennifer, I tend to keep “stuff”…my goal this year is not to be bogged down by “stuff”. I tend to NOT make New Year Resolutions, because I tend to break them, so this year, I decided to not be bogged down by “stuff” and to greet each day with a smile on my face, and feel Blessed for each day!!!

  6. I have never been one to make resolutions… but this year is different. I ended last year by losing my job and learning that my husband has some serious health issues. During Christmas and New Year’s I decided that my life needed overhauling. The big house doesn’t matter anymore and neither does the stuff. I have always enjoyed the Amish fiction and non-fiction books and have been fascinated in their ways. My family room is a treasure trove of Amish paraphernalia. The simple life… I have read about it so often… and my New Year’s Resolution… Yes!! To live the simple life is my resolution. Respect for others and self… worship God… lose the ‘things’ that do not matter… live life with love!!!

  7. I’m not one to make new year resolutions, but I did decide to really make up my mind to lose some weight….My son in getting married next year and I think this would be the perfect reason to do this…not only for that purpose but to also feel better about myself.

  8. This year my goal is to stay focused on my house, its so easy to let it go and im determined to stay on top of it. I work a full time job and have a lil one at home.. but God Willing I will stay on top of it …

  9. I am hoping to finish my many handwork projects that I have started. I can pray for others while I knit or do embroidery.
    Like others in this comment list, I also am working to keep my house in better order and work in my garden consistently.

  10. I didn’t really start out the year making a resolution, However some things have come up so one thing I am setting for myself is to keep reminding myself that He is in CONTROL!!!!

  11. I usually do not set New Year’s resolutions, however, this year I was sitting in church before Sunday School started and had this thought. Well, I guess I should first say that I LOVE to read so when I thought of my life as a book, it wasn’t really a surprise. 🙂 Here is the thought I had. If my life is a book and each year is a chapter, as I am nearing chapter 40 this year, does God enjoy my book? Is he pleased with this chapter? I guess this would be my resolution, to make this new chapter be pleasing to God.
    God bless,

  12. I am not much of a resolution maker. However I have decided to do what is best for myself and my son. I have also decided I need to be a little bit more patient. There is alot going on medically and with my son being a typical boy. I think if I was patient all the way around it could help me in the long run. Those are some things I plan on to work on but not neccessary a resolution as I dont typical make one.

  13. Resolutions, I decided not to make one this year. But decided to do my best as a wife and Mother. To be there for others and most of all is to listen to the holy spirit to guide me in what he wants me o do.

  14. I really don’t make resolutions, but each year, I try to do better about being in the Word daily & improving my daily study habits. I also try each year to be more organized..I am a very organized person, but even so, there are areas that can always use improvement.

  15. My Resolution is to keep the weight off and be the healthest that i can be for God and my family. And of course reflection and guidance on my homeschooling adventures with my children and husband

  16. I am not one for making New Years resolutions, because I always break them … my “goal” for this year is to be more organized and spend more time with family. I am also determined (not really a goal) to learn to knit and/or crochet.

  17. JMJ

    I think I am less “resolute” and more goal oriented. This year I hope to have more routine in my life. I home school my children and life can be chaotic and scattered very easily. So, I’ve made a schedule to get us through our school day. Now I need to begin working on a schedule for the evenings including dinner, prayer and bedtime. The real “goal” is to STICK TO IT!!!

  18. I didn’t make any resolutions this year, that way I don’t break any…:-) My goal for this year is to organize my craft room, and believe me that is a big job….

  19. I always make new years resolutions. Keeping to them is another question. I always vow to lose weight. I have loss weight in the past. This year I chose make this year better, my new years resolution this year is to trust more in the lord for the desions I make, and spend more time with my family.

  20. I am like you, Wanda, I don’t like clutter and I get so frustrated with my office when it gets that way. There is never enough time in a day! This year, I want to be a better person, smile more, and let my actions be an example of Christ. Some days are a challenge in the work force but I try to remember that I am working for God and not man!

    Thanks for being such a positive example and keep on writing!

  21. I need to work on organization also, losing weight and being less impatient. I also want to spend even more time reading all of the great books I love, which definitely include your Amish stories!!!

  22. My resolution is that I will get it together and not be so afraid to share my love for God with others. Who cares if I make someone uncomfortable. My eternal life is worth a whole lot more than a short term friendship. Plus, if my witnessing to others makes a friend shy away they weren’t a true and appropriate friend to me anyway. Thanks for all the great books. I can’t get enough.

  23. I don’t make resolutions but I know that I need to study my Bible more, exercise, and lose weight! Thank you for all your great books. I know when I pick up one of your books it will be good clean reading and always a joy to read.

  24. My New Years resolution is to read my Bible in 1 year. I want less of me and more of the Lord in my life. As a growing Christian, my heart craves more knowledge of our God. I’m Thankful for my Mother who introduced me to my first book of yours, Wanda. God Bless you in all you do and thank you for being the wonderful author you are. God Bless >

  25. I am not overly big on making new years resolutions, but to me a new year represents a fresh new outlook on life. It gives everyone the opportunity to set goals for themselves and to make each day a new adventure.

  26. It is always wonderful to start a new year fresh and clean. I would like to be able to not put off doing things and just get it done soon instead of waiting until the last minute…..Keep on writing your great books Wanda…….A blessed New year to you and family.

  27. I don’t make resolutions either, but this year I have a 50 yr high school class reunion and I have made up my mind I will lose weight before then. I’m on my way with a 22 lb loss so far. I enjoy crocheting so I also plan to do more in the way of things I can donate to the local nursing home.

    Wanda, thank you and thank God for giving you the talent for writing books that are not only entertaining but informative.

  28. Some of my new year’s resolution are too pay off my credit cards and not use them anymore. Started and online bachelors program for legal studies.Would like to finish it by next year so I could finally get my bachelors. Interviewed for a new job today..So hopefully get the job..Many decisions that will definently will change my life..Just pray to god that I could achieve everything this year..

  29. No, I don’t make resolutions either. But I try to decide what I want to do for my Bible reading at the beginning of the year. Last year I read the Bible through chronologicly. I am thinking this year to stick with the New Testament…maybe read it through 2 or 3 times.

  30. I do not usually make New Year Resolutions because I never stick to them.But this year is going to be different.I was sick and lost weight and now i am determined to keep it off so I am walking every day.I am now up to a mile a day.I have also decided to read more this year,I have some books i need to read that i have not read yet.And also I have decided to read more in my Bible and study Gods word more and renew my relationship with God,because he is the best friend you can have because he is always there and will never leave your side. Lynn Holladay

  31. I used to try to do new years resolutions, but sometimes I want to change things before the new year, so I try to make a list once a month, things that I should do more of, like reading my bible morning and night. Or help out more in the church, if I waited just for the new year, I wouldn’t be able to do half of the things I want to, so I do it at the beginning of each month:)
    I want to say thanks for writing these books:) They make my days, being able to read them:) They are just great:) Keep writing, and Ill keep reading:)
    Chantel HAyes

  32. My only resolution is to pray more. Just not when times are rough, or someone is sick etc. Thank you for the contest, enjoy your books alot!

    Tina H.
    sweeps4us at gmail dot com

  33. Resolutions:…..I have started the new year out with only a few resolutions…..such as getting outside and walking more, spending more time relaxing and having just me time such as reading, and catching up on my family research project……….usually my me time would slide to the back burner and everyone else needs came first but I am still gonna put my family first but I am also gonna make time for me…think it’ll make a happier me too.

  34. resolutions..hmm,well I did make one and that is to raise $500.- 1000.00 for the Cystic Fibrosis foundation’s great strides ..I pray that there is a cure found…