Wanda’s Journal

Community Spirit

Sometimes the busyness of life weighs in on us, and we forget that others have needs. Time and time again I have seen how my Amish friends show their community spirit by helping their own as well as others whenever there’s a need.

Hebrews 6:10 reminds us: “God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown toward him as you have helped his people and continue to help them.”

Our lives are really about relationships with other people, and one of the most important things we can do as Christians is to love, support, and encourage one another when there’s a need. This week I’m asking myself if I know of someone in my family, neighborhood, or community who has a need, and what are some things I might do to offer support and encouragement? How about you? Is there someone who needs your help today?

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  1. I wanted to say how encourage and heartwarming it was for myself and my family to see how the Amish and Mennonite help the victims of our flood area here in NE Pa. I must say many people have now realized because of the devestation that God does bring us together in time of need. However, my point is that it should be at all times rather than in troubled times. Peace, Love and Joy

  2. Mrs Brunstetter ,
    As long as you write the books about the Amish , I will forever be reading . Just love them
    My Favorite saying is ” If God has brought you to it , He will bring you through it ” !