Wanda’s Journal

Staying Committed

A few days ago I finished a deadline for a novel I had been working on since early spring. It took commitment on my part to finish the book, because I had so several interruptions along the way. It would have been easy for me to become sidetracked or let other things stand in the way of completing the novel, but I knew I had to stay committed or it wouldn’t get done.

Sometimes it’s hard to stay committed to something because we become tired or sidetracked. But Galatians 6:9 says: “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.”

Our Amish friends are some of the most dedicated, committed people I know — attending church regularly, caring for others, and preserving their way of life. However, I’m sure that even they struggle with the issue of commitment at times.

The life of commitment, for anyone — Amish or English — means being steadfast. We’re committed to things we know are helpful to someone. We’re dedicated to things we know are important. If we are faithful and committed to God, then we’re more likely to be faithful to other things as well.

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  1. You’re journal entry couldn’t have come at a more appropriate time. I have struggled with weight all my life. A friend of mine told me that I would know when it was time to do something about it. That time cam about two years ago when I had my cholesterol checked. It was nearly 300 (it’s supposed to be under 200!). My husband and I decided to make some life changes. We joined the local YMCA where our children can join us as well. I think it’s so important to teach our children about healthy habits. We also cut back on portions and quit snacking after supper. We each lost 35 pounds. We took a Caribbean cruise to celebrate our 10 year wedding anniversary this past winter and everything went down hill after that. We became too confident and starting letting things slip. Unfortunately, we have both regained our weight. However, I always start to feel renewed this time of year. Maybe it’s the back to school or the idea of settling back in to routines, but we’re ready to begin again.

  2. Being faithful, committed to the things that are most important in my life is a struggle. You just want to give up when you see things aren’t going the way that you want. I need more guidance in following the footsteps of our heavenly father. Being more loving and supportive of my husband and children. Oh to have the dedication the Amish seem to have.

  3. Wanda you are so right, it is easy to get sidetracked and not stay committed. I often think of Jesus and how He always took time out of His busy schedule to get alone with God so He could stay focused on what He was called to do. I need to do the same, not allow the business of my life to get in the way of my getting off alone with God so I can stay committed and “do” that which He has called me to do. Once I am refreshed in His word, I then can continue on, even in the times of struggles-which there have been many the last several years-and stay committed. Thanks Wanda for the reminder. Blessings, Tina