Wanda’s Journal

For Our Enjoyment

When my husband and I visited the Hawaiian Island of Kauai a few months ago, I was amazed at all the beautiful sights there were to see. . .gorgeous sunsets reflecting on the water each morning; sparkling waterfalls cascading over hillsides; soft, sandy beaches with pretty shells and lots of unusual coral; leafy, green vegetation; flowers in bold and muted colors; colorful birds with melodious songs; and so much more. All that tropical beauty gave us a glimpse of what the Garden of Eden must have been like — a little taste of Paradise.

God created the earth and everything in it for our enjoyment. Like a warm fire at the end of the day, the presence of God surrounds me. I can see Him in the flowers, trees, birds, sunsets, and all the beauty that He’s created. Look around. . . God has some wonderful blessings in store for you today. Enjoy!

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  1. I just finished the Journey. It was a great book and I was glad when I realized that it was a spin-off from another series! I love your books and ca’t wait until the next one comes available.

  2. I just finished your book,” A Sister’s Secret ” My oh my what a talented writer! I coould not put this book
    down hardly to even go to church. It is the most exciting book I have read in a long time. I love the
    Amish also, and they are the best cooks in the whole world. I love to go over to Sarasota and eat at Yoders
    and Sugar and Spice {I think} and one other one with a store upstairs I always shop in. Called
    DutchHeritage It is fantastic I also buy all my pop corn there Lady Fingers. They are on Bahia Vista in Sarasota, FL. I live in Punta Gorda, FL. I would love the other series but we are only on Social Security now so don’t have exta money but they are wonderful books. I am 77 years old. Play piano and organ in church every service. I also go to Nursing homes to brighten thier day. We play piano and sing hymns.
    My hubby has a little message for them. We go to 5 now. Every week. God bless you Wanda.
    Joyfully Serving My Savior, Mary