Wanda’s Journal

Small world

Dear friends, I’m overjoyed to launch my new website! Like me, I hope it takes you away to peaceful thoughts of the Amish countryside. To share my excitement, I’ve created the Lose Your Heart in the Amish Life Contest, where you can win a beautiful, Amish-made, quilted wall-hanging.

I’m looking forward to my book tour that will take place from April 9th through April 23rd, in Kentucky and a few places in Tennessee. Since my new Kentucky Brothers series is set near Hopkinsville, Kentucky, the tour will begin there. When my husband and I visited Kentucky for the first time, we were surprised to discover that many of the people in the Amish community near Hopkinsville originally came from Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. In fact, we learned that one of the families we’d met in Kentucky knows some of our Amish friends who live in Pennsylvania.

Because my husband and I travel so much, we have discovered that our world isn’t as big as we thought it was. It seems like everywhere we go we meet someone who knows someone we know, and on almost every trip we take, we make new friends, and special bonds are formed. When we met a new Amish family in Ohio last year, we had an instant connection and felt as if we had known them for many years.

As Christians, we are all part of the body of believers, which means, when we meet other Christians for the first time, we are able to fellowship with them, and often feel as if we already know them. I’m thankful that God doesn’t care what denomination we belong to. If we have accepted His Son, Jesus as our Lord and Savior, we are all part of His church.

The Bible tells us in Matthew 18:20: “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.”

Mitt Leib (With Love),

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  1. I don’t understand why the Amish don’t care to be with the English I would love to have an Amish Pen Pal But, it seems that they are scared to make that choice. But, they use some of the English things in there way of life? I’m a Christian women and would very much love that . Sincerely Theresa.Thank You

  2. that would be MIT LIEBE! i AM MOST OF THE SUMMER IN SHIPSHEWANA INDIANA. I love to be among the amish. we have a cottage near by. and i love your books wanda. I wish they were availble on KINDLE>
    best regards

  3. Your new website is beautiful. I’ve been going through it from stem to stern. I love your books. I have read everyone of them and look forward to the next one coming out. I also have read many other Amish books from other authors. All of your books hold my interest from beginning to end. My Husband and I generally go to Amish country in Holmes county here is Ohio. We love going there for the peace and quite. Keep up the good work and your ministry among the Amish people. May the Lord bless you and your husband as you labor for the Lord.
    God Bless you and keep you safe in all your travels.
    Blessings Pauline

    1. Pauline: I will be in Holmes County this Sept. for some book signings. Perhaps you’ll be able to be there during that time, too.

  4. Love your new website….my sister lives in Buscombe Il. and she is coming to your book signing on April 12th. in Paducah, Ky. (her name is Shirley) I told her to say hi for me….I would love to be there, but can not at this time….hope you come and do a book signing near me in Ohio…..I just discovered your children’s books and they are really nice… TTYL

    1. I’ll look forward to meeting your sister, Mona. In Sept. I’ll be in Holmes County, OH. If that’s near you, I’d be pleased to meet you as well.

  5. I love your website and I love your books I believe I have read them all except the new one which I am presently on a list to receive it from our public library. I have only every heard about people who start to read a book and can’t put it down…yours are my very first that once started you can’t put down….I have loved your books since I started to read them. It took 50+years to find an author whose books I can’t put down…Keep them coming can’ t wait for the new one.Your books are sooo good…

    1. I appreciate your comments, Karen, and am pleased to know you have enjoyed reading my books. I love what I do and hope to keep writing for many years to come.

  6. WOW…..DOUBLE WOW….I have been blown away. Now I know why I decided I was going to collect all your books. I have quite a few already. Since moving from the Indiana Amish to the Florida Amish….It’s been GREAT. A trip to Sarasota gets you interested in the history. Keep up your wonderful thoughts to put on paper. Your husband has done an outstanding job on the pictures. Makes me home sick for Indiana and Ohio…But, I soon get over it. SMILE. It’s beautiful here and I would have never guessed I could meet so many Amish snowbirds. I look forward to your new books and pictures.

    1. Thank you, Betty for your nice comments about my website, books, and my husband’s pictures. We were in Sarasota in January and hope to return there again sometime.

  7. Hi Wanda, I can’t wait until your next book comes out. I would love to have a Pen Pal from Amish Country if it were possible. But I guess I’ll have to settle with your fabulous books. Will you be coming to Hackmans Bible book Store in Allenown, Pa for a book signing? I hope so. . God bless you and your family.

    1. I will be in PA in early Sept. and am hoping Hackman’s will have me to a signing in their store during the time that I’m in the area.

  8. I love your new site… very nice. Thank you for sharing with us the Amish ways . Your books are so delightful can’t wait to read the next one.

  9. Wanda, I love all of your books I have read and have in my libary all of your books. I loan my books to my friends and they can count on me to have the newest books you have written. I live in New Jersey and I hope you might come out this way sometime. My orginal roots are from Strousberg, PA and I find that alot of the recipies and ways of the amish are in my family traditions. I love to go to Lancaster, PA and go to the amish country

    1. I plan to be in the Lancaster area this Sept. If it’s not too far from where you live perhaps you’ll be able to come to one of my signings.

  10. Hi Wanda,
    I live in Holmes county. (Amish country, is what everyone calls it) I have lived here all my life. we are surrounded by amish. I have a few amish friends. and my grandpa used to haul amish. they would come to our house and visit. (for I grew up with my grandparents) I have all your books. and my daughter has some of the childrens books, which I have also read.
    always looking forward to your next release.

    1. Lewanda: I will be in Holmes County this Sept. for several book signings. Perhaps you’ll be able to attend one of them. My Sept. signing schedule will be posted on my website as the time gets a bit closer.

  11. Dear Wanda –
    I thoroughly love reading your books. I have recently finished Lydia’s Charm and fell in love Levi’s family. They were so happy all of the time. It was a nice reminder to accept those who are different than us and to remember they are God’s creation. I’m traveling from Chattanooga, Tn to Shelbyville, TN to your book signing and I can’t wait to get your newest book. Thank you for sharing the gift the Lord has given you.


    1. Stacey: Thanks for your nice comments about Lydia’s Charm. Having been to Charm, OH many times, it was fun to set a book in that quaint little town. I will look forward to meeting you at my signing in Shelbyville, TN.

  12. I was surprised when my husband and I had supper in a restaurant in Hopkinsville, KY this evening and we learned that our waitress recently moved here from the town where I grew up in Tacoma, WA. It really is a small world.

  13. Hi Wanda, what a beautiful new Web site!! I spent hours in it yesterday and just went over things again today. I have not read your new book yet but am looking forward to it. PLease tell your Husband that his work is awesome too! I have not ordered any Photo’s yet but plan to soon .I think they make wonderful Birthday and Christmas gifts~
    Take care and I pray that God is with you in all of your travels~
    Friend always,

    1. Thank you, Freida. I’m pleased to know you like my new website, and also my husband’s beautiful Amish photos. We too have given many away to friends and relatives for various occasions. And of course, we have many of his photos on the walls in our home. Just looking at them takes me to Amish Country and gives me a sense of peace.

  14. My life has been in a bad way rite now .But I would like to thank you for all my the books that i have got to read I have had to have my leg remove and I now enjoy your book Thanks from the bottom of my heart .All of the books are yery good.

  15. Hi Wanda – I love your stories. Your writing is truly magical. It takes the reader right into your story and its world. Thanks for sharing your wonderful talent with all of us. I just found your website and it is lovely. – Maeve

  16. My husband and I enjoy traveling to PA and Ohio Amish countryside. It’s beautiful there, hard workers and beautiful farms! I enjoy your writings so much, you are a favorite of mine. Thanks so much for sharing and chosing to witness through this gift from the Lord.
    I am looking forward to reading your new book and know I will enjoy it as much as the others. Good luck and continued success. God bless! And I agree, demoninations are man made , not from God. 🙂

  17. Wanda,

    This is an amazing website. I really loves the images, the message, all of it is very impressive. I am in the process of revamping my own image and I wanted to let you know that I think this is fantastic. I wish you the best of luck on your upcoming book tour.

    John Gorman

  18. Me and my daughter Rachel were at your booksigning here in Paducah today. My daughter left with a huge smile on her face and said on the way out, “This is the best day of my life.”
    She loves the Rachel Yoder series and is looking so forward to the new series you told her about. Many blessings to you and your family and thank you so much for writing this series of books. They have inspired my child in so many wonderful and Godly ways.

    1. Thank you, Tammy. I appreciate your nice comments and it was a pleasure for me to meet you and Rachel today as well. She’s a special little girl.

      Many blessings,

  19. Hi Wanda! I live in Hopkinsville and I cant wait to read your new book since its placed in my hometown! I love your books and look forward to the new ones to come!

    May God continue to bless you!

  20. Thank you, Beth. I hope you will enjoy my novel, “The Journey.” Book 2 in the series, “The Healing,” will be out in Sept. Blessings, Wanda

  21. Hi Wanda! Thank you for such an amazing website! I enjoy your books so much! I work in a small town library and recommend your books often. I am surprised at the amount of our patrons who love reading Amish fiction as much as I do! I can’t wait to read your new series and then tell others about it at the library as well. I also loved your husband’s photography. I’m hoping to use one of the downloads for my desktop. I hope that maybe you will come to Alabama for a book tour because I would love to meet you. May God bless you and your family.

    1. Hi Stephanie: Thanks for your nice comments about my website, and thank you for recommending my books. If we ever get to Alabama I would love to meet you.

  22. Wanda, I’ve read all of your Amish books and just bought your latest one. It brings me such peace to read them I stop often and pray when I read a scripture or a passage that reminds me of the need to pray for a situation in my life or others. I’ve been to Amish communities in Lancaster and Chester, Illinois.
    One question I have is , how often or how many English people actually join the Amish and what percentage end up staying? I read that in romances in Amish books, but wonder if it really does happen. Also, are there places in the Amish communities where visitors can stay for a few nights while on a vacation, actual Amish bed and breakfasts or dawdi houses owned by the Amish? We hope to visit Holmes County and other communities and would love to stay there.

    1. There are actually very few “English” people who join the Amish faith, because it’s a difficult transition. However, I do know of some who have successfully joined. One friend of mine, who used to be a high school cheerleader, joined the Amish faith over 40 years ago. She told me not long ago that she’s never regretted it.

      On my Recommended Links page you’ll find several links that include places to stay in Holmes County. Some of them are run by Mennonite people, and many are near Amish farms.

  23. Wanda,
    Thank you so much for your wonderful, inspirational words both on this website and in your beautiful novels. I have found a peace by reading each topic on this website and practice thanking God for His many blessings throughout each day. You are an inspiration to me and an example of someone who walks in God’s Love and Light. May God bestow His many blessings upon you as you continue doing His work through your beautiful novels.

  24. I want to thank you for the wonderful books you write. They are so insperational. It’s always a pleasure to spend time reading them after a stressful day at work. I have visited Lancaster County a few times so it also gives me a better understanding of the Amish way of life. I also enjoy your cookbooks.

  25. I love your books. They keep me going. I also have had some tragedies in my life. Only God and prayers got me through. Your books helped me so much. Helped me get through the long days and nights. Gave hope. Keeping my faith intact. My husband and Daughter Die together in a motorcycle accident. It has been ten years. The pain lessons but never goes away. Thank you

    1. My thoughts and prayers are with you. So thankful your prayers and relationship with God have carried you through your loss.

  26. I love the spring. It is the time for renewal. Watch God’s works. We live in the U.P.of mi. Long winter short spring and summer.